Player Ratings   

Matches played: 49. Playing time: 4410 min.
Matches rated: 45. Rated time: 4050 min.

(three quarters of playing time in rated matches)
Rating Time Rated App +sub MoM +shared
Rossi Jarvis 5.768
3542 3265 41 +3 1 +2
Rory McAuley 5.733
3912 3552 43 +2 3 +3
Josh Coulson 5.588
3734 3464 42 1 +3

(half of playing time in rated matches)
Rating Time Rated App +sub MoM +shared
Harrison Dunk 6.449
2714 2534 32 +2 6 +3
Tom Elliott 6.119
2665 2479 33 +2 5 +1
Michael Gash 5.823
2576 2351 29 +1 5 +1
Tom Shaw 5.499
2926 2628 34 +6 1 +1
Kevin Roberts 5.480
2572 2392 28 +2 1
Liam Hughes 5.350
2581 2428 29 +7 4

(a quarter of playing time in rated matches)
Rating Time Rated App +sub MoM +shared
Curtis Haynes-Brown 5.897
1199 1109 12 +6 +2
Robbie Willmott 5.698
1539 1326 16 +6 +1
Luke Berry 5.598
2072 1926 24 +5 1 +1
Charlie Wassmer 5.569
1506 1416 17 2
James Jennings 5.392
2160 1980 24 +1 2
Andy Pugh 5.193
1775 1581 19 +10
Craig Ross 4.936
1350 1170 15
Jonathan Hedge 4.873
1800 1620 20 +1
Sam Smith 4.594
1118 1028 13 +11

(the rest)
Rating Time Rated App +sub MoM +shared
Liam Hurst 8.750
17 17 +1
Jed Steer 6.967
450 450 5
Adam Marriott 6.786
35 35 +2
Nick Pope 6.620
810 810 9 1 +1
Scott Garner 6.247
488 429 5 +1
Matthew Fletcher 6.148
104 104 1 +1
Jonathon Thorpe 5.855
772 627 9 +5 1 +1
Billy Gibson 5.828
164 164 2 +3
Johnny Gorman 5.750
75 75 +2
Bobby-Joe Taylor 5.625
2 2 +1
James Brighton 5.298
130 130 +5
Blaine Hudson 5.226
218 218 2 +4 +1
Joe Anderson 4.968
332 332 4 +1
Michael Thalassitis 4.688
41 27 +2
Danny Andrew 4.490
515 425 6
Adriano Moke 4.225
360 333 2 +10
Ricky Wellard 4.122
879 790 9 +9 1
Jamie Reed 3.909
492 402 6 +1
Nathan Blissett 3.908
320 230 3 +4
Jack Eades 3.750
21 21 +1
Michael Wylde 3.340
449 449 5 +1

Key: dire=0, poor=2½, average=5, good=7½, superb=10.